EDU 652 Wk 3 Assg

EDU 652 Week 3 Assignment: Creating and Implementing Do-Type Learning Activities

A “do-type” activity is one that transforms information into knowledge and skills. There are a variety of do-type activities which include practice activities and discovery activities, as well as games and simulations. Select a topic of interest to you (or your current class or company), conduct a needs assessment, and create a do-type activity. Your activity should provide 5 to 10 minutes of instruction.

For this assignment, I have decided to use this existing blog to link to a wiki I designed to improve critical thinking skills within a corporate new hire training class. For the purposes of this assignment, I have singled out two pages within the wiki entitled "New Hire Critical Thinking Project" to satisfy the task of creating an activity requirement. 

Link to PBWorks Critical Thinking Project Wiki
(main page - overview of training and wiki "do-type" activity)

Link to PBWorks Wiki with Call Scenarios Do Type Activity
(Wiki provides team and group page to complete activities)


What do you know?

Need to provide CBT activities to new hires with additional practice training to ascertain if this technique will create higher levels of production floor performance/productivity/customer service.

What do you want to know?

We want to learn if this pilot CBT program for critical thinking (practice) activities can assess whether the new hire ability to handle actual CSR calls on production floor after training is improved - is there a notable and positive increase in performance/productivity attributable to the CBT program? Does exposure to critical/analytical thinking to resolve complex customer issues measurably improve call performance and lessen calls transferred to a supervisor?

What are you trying to measure, determine, or define?

Whether this pilot CBT will provide measurable levels of CSR performance improvement following the integration of hands on activities intended to help develop and strengthen better on-the-job skills needed to effectively respond to customer service calls (first call resolution).

• How will you collect and record information?

CSR performance will be measured by company Performance Management System (PMS) driven by Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)  created to assess employee performance levels via call monitoring. The monitoring will occur directly following training and then once a month for the first three months of employment. These results will be compared to previous PMS reports prior to the introduction of this type of "do-type" activity.

• How will you report the information you collect?

All relevant PMS reports will be distributed to lead team managers and supervisors of the HR / Marketing / Production / New Hire Training departments. Report results may be obtained through these same channels.

• Are all interested groups included in planning and conducting the needs assessment?

All departments noted above will collaborate to create and implement the pilot CBT in response to company needs already recognized and reflected in this summary. They will also work together to analyze PMS data results in making the final decision regarding the utilization of the program beyond the pilot stage.


Horton, W. (2006). E-Learning by design. San Francisco: Wiley.

Lilly, A. (n.d.) Tracking employee training - measuring training effectiveness with kpis. Retrieved online August 15, 2011 from:

McDavid, J.C., & Hawthorn, L.L. (2006). Program evaluation & performance measurement: An introduction to practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.